Monday, May 2, 2011
Singing the Sweetest Song
"The Lord is my strength and song; and He has become my salvation."
~ Psalm 118:14
Through every season of life, there is a thread of music weaving in and out of our hearts. Some people carry the song of bitterness and rebellion, while others carry a song of pride and selfishness. But for those walking closely with the Lord, there is but one song resounding in the depth of our is the sweetest song, the song of purity and life, light and redemption, peace and love. It the song of a Saviour, a Redeeemer, a Restorer. It is the loveliest of all melodies one could ever hear or is the song of Jesus.
In the bright seasons of life, it's easy to sing to an upbeat tempo. How many of us crank up a great rock cd during the heat of summer while driving with the windows rolled down, breeze flowing through our car, and sunshine glistening from the sky? Those escstatic moments of joy and freedom are accompanied by the loud crunch of guitars, defining beats of drums, and happy lyrics. But when we are down, depressed,or discoruaged, how many of us are tempted to shift into melancholy rhythms? Gray skies and rain always seem to evoke images of soulful lyrics or saddened melodies. Depending on our moods and circumstances, our taste in music varies from one season to the next. And the music that speaks to us, moves us, and comforts us changes as we move with the cadence of life.
But in the depth of the heart, there is but one song for the believer. It is never mournful, never despondent, never bereft of companionship. Its melody may swing from soft and peaceful to joyful and exuberant, but its underlying message remains constant with every pulsating note. This song, echoing from the innermost chambers of our soul is the song of the redeemed. Regardless of our season, we have a song of redemption. We have a song of relationship, of restoration, of a Father's love and care. Ever resplendent of strength and hope, our song withstands the fiercest of battles, the loneliest of days, the saddest of times. And as we grow closer in our walk with the Lord, this song only grows sweeter and louder with each passing moment.
And so for those of us in our hidden, waiting seasons (there are many of us, I know!), we have the opportunity to fine-tune our musicianship. The quiet, reclusive days of waiting help us develop our listening ability and choreograph our steps in rhythm to this song. Every movement, every breath, every word, every action is being refined to respond to the song within our hearts. Unnoticed and hidden, we are practicing a performance. Some days, we sing it perfectly, and other days, we seem to crash and fail miserably. But the point is that we are becoming...we are learning with finely crafted skill the art of dancing to this melody. It's a life-learning process - one we will never completely master, for there are new levels and depths of this song we've not yet even heard - but we are growing, each and every day.
So to all of you learning to sing the sweetest song, I welcome you into this musician's circle. We have much to learn, but we are daily given the chance to practice our skill. May we live each day in response to the song placed in our hearts by the Redeemer Himself...and may we sing the sweetest song as an anthem to our King.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pioneers and Their Pioneering Spirit
How I love a pioneering spirit! It's a spirit that sees the obstacles but forges ahead confidently. It's a spirit that connects men and women to their purpose and destiny. It's a spirit that willingly obeys God despite the opposition. It's a spirit of faith, a spirit of adventure, a spirit that takes a person around the globe and back again. It's a spirit that goes where no person has dared gone before and does something no one has contemplated doing. It's a spirit that must be imparted, cultivated, and LIVED.
A pioneering spirit endures hardships, loneliness, rough seas and difficult seasons of life. It looks at impossible situations and sees endless possibilities. It is bold, unshakeable, undefeatable. When it gets knocked down, it never gets knocked out. A person with a pioneering spirit will always stay in the ring until he has won. This spirit refuses to be quenched; it rises above the odds, the opionions, and obstacles, and races on to the finish line. A pioneering spirit refuses to quit.
This kind of thinking, this kind of living, this kind of heart attidute thinks outside the box. It doesn't care if people come against it reciting a list of impossibilities. This spirit knows it has heard from God and charges through all earthly limitations. This spirit dares to step out of its comfort zone, embracing a higher purpose from Almighty God.
Those who are true pioneers care not about being celebrated. They do not give in to praise and criticism of men. Their ears are open to One Voice, their eyes focused on one target, their energies fixed on one destiny. Their courage comes from a place deep within, a place so secret, a place found in the quiet recesses of prayer and meditation. They have cultivated themselves, prepared their hearts, and answered a call to do something great for their King. Their deeds are vailiant, their acts mighty, their work unparalleled by others.
Some say these people march to the beat of their own drum. Others say they are foolish daydreamers who flit like debris caught in the wind. To the average person, these individuals may even appear weak or incapable of greatness. But their strength and courage cannot be seen at a casual glance. Their bravery is tested through the fire and is found like pure gold. They seem out of step with their peers only becasue they are listening to a different voice. They take their orders from a Mighty King who rules over their hearts and throughout eternity. Their desire is to please Him alone, regardless of the task He may set before them. They will accept their assingnment unflinchingly, willingly, and even lovingly. "It's all for my King!" is their battle cry.
Who are these men and women who are so bold, so daring, so unconforming? Where do they come from? What do they do? These men and women of destiny are not visible to the untrained eye, and they are not often found in places of limelight, popularity, or distinction. They may get there some day, but only after their work has been accomplished. In the beginning days of their life, they will be unknown, unseen, and unsung. They are not searching for fame, but are doing something that will bring fame to their King.
This unique brand of humanity are the ones who fearlessly say "I do" to any unusual task of the King. Their work is new; it's creative, innovative, and unique to their generation. They have few footsteps to follow in, exept those of thier King and other great pioneers who have gone before them. Instead of fitting into a mold, they dare to break the mold and all the confines doubt could ever place upon thier minds.
These courageous men and women are found in missionaires, pioneering pastors, apostles, and laymen alike. These are the leaders of the next generation who have answered a call from Heaven itself, stepped out of all that was comfortable and dared to obey God. They have forsaken homes, families, native lands, familiar jobs, the easy route, the normal standard of life. They have fearlessly unsheathed their sword of faith and fought spiritual battles. They have plowed new ground, taking difficult territories for their King. They are not content to live life dispassionately; they are full of fire and zeal for the One who gave His life for them. They willingly risk all to make Him known. Depite the rumors or discouragement, the hurt or pain, the challenges and obstacles, these men and women rise up above mediocrity and dare to live a life set apart, called out, and separated for Jesus.
If necessary, these people will sail the seven seas, cross the desert, storm a city, and take a neighborhood if that is what is required for the task. No assignment is too difficult for them to accept, no place too foreign for them to go. These amazing, determined, selfless people will sing a Victor's song and march over the shallow places of life to reach a world-altering destiny. Forsaking a life lived to themselves, they have pledged to follow their King to the end of the world. Their chorus of footsteps will echo throughout the earth, changing history, humanity, and eternity.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Cheery Side of Snowpocalypse 2011
While the city of Tulsa sits paralyzed from the wake of Snowpocalypse 2011, most of us are stranded in our homes, isolated from friends, work, church, and the the rest of civilization. Due to the frigid temps, the mountains of snow outside will remain undemolished for days. For many of us, rehabilitation to normal life won't begin until this weekend at the earliest.
Being stuck indoors with no escape to the outside world for days can lead many to restlesnessness, cabin fever, boredom, irritability, and bad attitudes. Once the novelty of participating in Oklahoma's record blizzard passes, tempers can be on edge as close quarters and inactivity prolong througought the week. Before going crazy from exasperation, let's take a moment to seize the day and be thankful for the unique opportunities this cataclysmic event has afforded us and our families. Yes, even in the midst of Snowpocalypse 2011, thankfulnessness should fill our hearts!
So in the days to come, here are a few snippets of cheer to keep you focused on the bright side of enduring the first blizzard of 2011:
1) Tulsa didn't lose electricity!
Unlike the ice storm of December 2007, which left most of us without electricity for at least 4 days, we have warmth and light. Those of you who survived that particular storm may remember the difficulties caused by such a massive power outage. I'm not a fan of living in darkness for days on end, nor do I enjoy being separated from the luxuries of electricity! No hair dryer, bathroom light, phone chargers, computers, tv, stereo, dvd player, or internet access. Thankfully, good friends stuck together, opening up their homes and sharing their generators, firewood, and extra blankets. I am still forever grateful to Chris and Aubra who brought over firewood to my apartment, and to Michele and Lisa who let me stay at their place while I was still waiting for the return of electricity at my apartment complex.
2) Extra time for productivity
We now have several days to catch up on laundry, household chores, and taxes. Those of us who work freelance can work uninhibited on new projects and catch up on some marketing ideas. As for me, I've got a book to write! :)
3) Extra time to spend with those we love (And extra phone time for those who aren't in the same house).
What a great opportunity to spend spontaneous, quality time with family and roommates. Get out the cards, bring out the movies, and let the fun times begin. For those who own layers of clothing and snowboots, this is the perfect time to build that epic snowman in the front yard! For me, this week affords some extra time to spend with my grandmother and to catch up with phone calls and emails to friends all across the country. Relationships are so valuable in life, and Snowpocalypse 2011 provides the perfect opportunity to invest in people who make your life special.
4) Time to grow in the Lord
I can't think of any better fruit of being shut away from the rest of the world for a few days than taking that extra time to focus on the Lord. A solitary week at home is an incredible opporunity to dig deeper in the Word, spend more time in prayer, and seek the Lord regarding His plans and purposes for us. If we are diligent to focus on the Lord and grow more in relationship with Him this week, we could emerge on the other side of Snowpocalypse 2011 with new insight, fresh wisdom and revelation, and clear direction for the course of our year. How wonderful to be at home with no distractions and ample time to be with family and the Father God!
So if you feel just a bit restless and edgy in the upcoming days, take a moment to reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord Jesus. You have an extra week of time that was not scheduled in a planner, directed by your boss, or dictated by the mandates of society. Invest your time in things of value. Enjoy your family, love on your friends, and spend time in fellowship with the Lord. As we look at this week through the eyes of thankfulness, we'll treausre this little jewel hidden underneath the snowbanks of Tulsa's great blizzard.
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