Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Lady in Wating

About five years ago during my tenure as a Bible school student, I had one of those amazing seasons with God. All you young ladies will understand that waiting and growing up process, for it happens to all of us who are truly becoming women of God. Anyway, during the fall of that season, the Lord had given me this picture in poetry. The story and season of that time were so sacred that I kept this little poem hidden away in my one of my journals for the past few years. As I was visiting with a younger friend a few months ago, the Lord reminded me of this piece of poetry. Dusting it off from the recesses of my journal, I shared it with her. Noting the tears that flowed from her lovely eyes, I realized this bit of poetry should be shared with all young ladies who are in that season of waiting. So, in hopes of inspiring courage and patience in your process of becoming, it is with humble grace I submit to you A Lady in Waiting.

A Lady in Waiting

I am in a small room somewhere in a palace
Some say I am a woman, yet others see me as a girl
I know I’m neither - only changing from one to another
It is my time of becoming

Others do not know this for how can they see
This girl inside growing in divine beauty?

I have become that lady in waiting
But an earthly princess I am not
It is a heavenly transition
For I am shedding my girlish design
And becoming a woman of God

There is so much He is at work in me doing
Altering, changing, forming
Completely transforming all within
A living sacrifice He has demanded of me
My life to Him I give unreservedly

A surrender of my will
Is how this first started
But a flood of other burnings
Came crashing into my world
Changing this small tiny girl
Into a wise woman of God

The preparation digs deep
Not concentrating on outward appearances
It has lit a fire in my heart,
The deepest core of my being
Has been touched and loved
I am now a lady
A lady waiting upon her Lord

My Lord is most precious to me
For He has overseen this change in my identity
With great care and utmost skill
He has shaped this girl becoming woman
My love for Him runs as deep as the seas,
As far as the skies
It is He alone who can hold and shape my heart
To Him I alone belong
He is the King upon my heart’s throne

Through all this change He is simply creating me to be
What is most pleasing in His eyes
A woman of wisdom and kindness, love and devotion
Is the lady He’s preparing in me
I am just a lady who’s becoming
Becoming one like her Lord

But in the distance over the forest and across the sea
Is a young knight dressed in armor
He too serves my Lord - he is neither boy nor man,
Like me, he is becoming wise

A preparation time is reserved for him too
A castle he is not residing in
But the forest where the enemy lies
He is out slaying dragons
Learning lessons of spiritual manhood
Right before my eyes
The fight he must endure
For this qualifies him as a true knight
But one day he will come walking
Dented armor, into my sight

“It was a harsh battle,” he will say
“But I learned to delight myself in our Lord
The lessons He taught me though hard I had to fight
Are golden and true
His words alone are what brought me through
Trust in Him I did learn
And His love for me kept me on my way
He has been faithful through this test
In His Lordship, I know I can rest.”

My knight once in shining armor
Now with blood spotted hands
Stands before me in earnest truth
He has fought hard and won the battle
While I have been through my fire
I stand before him with clothes marked in soot and ashes
We have both been tested it seems
Yet our Lord was wise
For in His faithful eyes He saw
Not a boy, but a knight,
Not a girl, but a lady
In Him we are both becoming


  1. Mica,
    I have never in my life read something so beautiful! Being a married woman my wait is over for my knight in his dented armor to arrive, and the journey we started 22years ago as a couple, has been a rough road to travel and filled with a lot of brokeness in both of us.
    This poem had me sobbing through it all, because somewhat late to see it, nonetheless I could see the errors in my young life of not waiting patiently for God to send the man he destined for me - I set out on my own mission to catch the attention of a man that I thought was the ideal one for me. Now Battle scarred and weary from the long unpleasant journey of this marriage, you have helped me see through your poem, that stated it so eloquently, that my husband and I are both growing up and growing wise together with all our soot and ashes, dented armor and blood spotted hands into a Knight and a Lady who are both becoming what God's purpose is for our life - which is now intertwined together with 3 grown sons!
    Every day is a reflection of the amazing Grace of my God and what he has done for me and helped me through. I won't give up on my marriage as I was tempted to a few months ago, because my God is so faithful!
    You have an amazing gift that God has blessed you Mica! I'll keep coming back for more! gail e.

  2. Mica...awesome! Slaying dragons? Dented armor??? I LOVE it!!! :)

  3. This beautiful Mica. Thank you for sharing
